• AT
    Adib Toriq 4 years ago

    First of all congratulation on the release of the collaboration option. That is awesome.

    my team and I planning to use arcweave for a story-heavy game (it will require about a couple of hundred thousands of words). The problem is we are often need proofreading or simply outsource the writing to someone outside our team. But we want to limit their access so they could only see their jobs.

    We could make a separate project, and import it to our core project, but we can't find any import button.  Is there any way to be able to import projects or at least copy-paste board from another project?


  • Manos Kalaitzoglou 4 years ago

    Hi Adib,

    Thanks for your kind words. Currently there is no way to import/duplicate a project, however a workaround that might help is the following: Select the content of the board you would like to copy (Shift + drag to create rectangle selection and Ctr+C) and then paste (Ctr+V) in the other project. Keep in mind though that components do not get copied to the new project through the clipboard (you would have to manually re-add them).

  • Oscar Espeso 4 years ago

    Hi. I really liked the app too and we'd love to use it for our current project. But we have a serious problem if importing/duplicating is not available.  

    Copying and pasting is useless because we would have a lot of components.

    This is a must for us. We want to buy a subscription but having everybody to collaborate in the project isn't safe if you cannot make and restore backups.

  • Oscar Espeso 4 years ago

    Sorry to insist, but are there any plans to implement project importing  and or project duplication features any time soon?

    If so, is there an ETA?

  • Manos Kalaitzoglou 4 years ago

    Hi Oscar, sorry for the delay.

    We have increased the priority of both features as there seem to be a high demand for them. With our updated timeline project duplication is planned for Q2 2020.

    Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.

  • P
    PΞther 2 years ago

    Hello, is there any update on this?
    I still cannot find the import option..

  • Deckard 1 year ago

    i would like to know aswell


  • Manos Kalaitzoglou 1 year ago

    Hi there, project import will be supported on our next release (Oct/Nov 2022)

  • P
    PΞther 1 year ago

    Right on, thank you!